The MLM Home Based Business Is Hard To Beat

The MLM Home Based Business Is Hard To Beat
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It is very hard to beat the MLM home based business. You get to work out of your home any hours you choose, wear what you want, and never have to commute to the office. You also have the opportunity to make a great income.

The MLM home based business has never been easier. With all the electronic tools, gadgetry, and the Internet, your work has been greatly reduced. Once your MLM business is up and running, you might only have to spend 3 to 5 hours a week working it. Thats it.

The most effective way to decide which MLM home based business is right for you is to do some research to find a product or service that you really like and then join a company that sells just that. There is no such thing as the best MLM program or the best MLM company. If you like and use the product or service, chances are others will too.

Use a system that can work using the internet to build your MLM home business. Decide up front how much time and money you want to spend and understand that your MLM home business is not a hobby.

Any skills you need you can learn while running your MLM home business based from the marketing plan. You don’t have to have any special skills to run a multi-level system but you must be a self-starter and be motivated.

The great thing about the MLM home based business is that it costs very little to get started and you can begin making a profit in months rather than in years. You get a proven system that is much like the franchise opportunity.

Do you need extra money to pay the bills? Do you want to build your retirement income? Would you like to make a good living on the internet? Whatever reason you have, you should seriously consider the MLM home based business.


Are You Born To Be A Successful Entrepreneur?

Are You Born To Be A Successful Entrepreneur?
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Hold the phone, before you are booking a flight to Maui you need to consider one thing very carefully and ask this question: Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Are you cut out to be fabulously wealthy?

In order to be positive you should see how you rate on the following five topics, Can you / will you:

-Press on when there is no gratification, results are slow to come? In the beginning the sheer rush of owning your own business will color the way you see and feel about everything. Adrenaline will pound through your veins for days or even a month.

You have pressed on and on and now you are at a wall. Your working hours look a whole lot like your last job and you are just trying to keep the business afloat. The rose colored glasses are gone and to add insult to injury you cant even see where you are making a difference. These are time when motivation is slim and you are just hoping to make it another day.

Answer me just one question: Will you keep at something even if pay off is delayed? If you can honestly answer in the affirmative then you may have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

-Let a losing idea die? Look, when you spend precious time on an idea it will feel like a part of you and truthfully it is, this is your baby so to speak and it will be hard to turn lose of your brainchild.

No one is perfect and before you know it you can be neck deep in a bad concept that threatens the very life of your business. Is it in you to let go and move on to the next idea in spite of your emotional attachment to the plan? Do this part well and you are on your way to being a good entrepreneur.

-Believe in yourself and your capabilities? There will be those who doubt you, unbelievably some will be your own family. They may cajole you, laugh or even berate you for what you are doing. If they can get to you the chances of you succeeding just went from slim to none.

Are you self aware and sure of your talents and ideas? This is key to the entrepreneurial spirit.

-Have knowledge of the value of your products and service? A beginners biggest problem is knowing how to price their product or service. You will find them working hundreds of hours for peanuts. This occurs most frequently because of the value they put on the product or service they offer. If you tell yourself you would never pay x amount of dollars for something you are bound to price it too low to stay in business.

Remember you are not the target market, you are not the consumer. Since you are providing a needed service or product that is highly valued by consumers you should naturally be paid accordingly. Rest assured if you charge too much the customer will be quick to inform you.

Until that happens you should place a good value on the product or service you are offering. When you value what you are, offering you will be a good entrepreneur.

-Fix a Dilemma? This is the most important characteristic of all, are you the one to solve a problem?

Entreprenuers must be problem solvers, there is simply no one else to solve them. This is your business, your baby if you will and the buck stops with you. All the corporate big dogs are gone and you are the boss!

The biggest reason of all to be a problem solver however is for your customers. If you can find the thing that people are struggling with and then provide a solution you are well on your way to being a good entrepreneur.


CCHIT maps out path to certification with meaningful use focus

CCHIT maps out path to certification with meaningful use focus

Diana Manos, Senior Editor

The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology is expected to release more details on its “modular” certification on Sept. 24, and it is also tentatively planning training sessions in Chicago on Sept. 29 and Oct. 1, to orient vendors and developers to new programs, including updated application processes, certification criteria and test scripts.

The modular approach to certification would tell providers that a healthcare IT product is capable of performing to provide meaningful use, a requirement under the federal stimulus law under which providers could receive bonus payments beginning in 2011.

The certification would be provided in advance of the definition of meaningful use, which is expected out by the end of the year.

Federal officials have said providers would have to make “a business decision” as to whether to go forward in faith with the modular certification ahead of the final rulemaking.

The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology held a “town call” Web conference Thursday to gather input from the vendor and developer communities on the commission’s planned new paths to certification for electronic health record technologies.

CCHIT Chairman Mark Leavitt, MD, said the goal is to achieve more rapid, widespread adoption and meaningful use under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

“We are concerned that providers could not achieve meaningful EHR use in 2011 if they wait until spring 2010 – the expected date of (the Department of Health and Human Services’)’ final approval of requirements – to begin adopting this technology,” said Leavitt, “CCHIT has analyzed the recommendations of the federal HIT advisory committees and is preparing to offer new paths to certification beginning this October.”

Besides updating and enhancing its certification program for comprehensive EHRs in ambulatory, inpatient and emergency department settings, the commission plans to launch a more limited, modular inspection program for EHR technology, focusing solely on compliance with ARRA-required standards.

In an Aug. 14 meeting, the federal government’s Health IT Policy Committee adopted additional recommendations on meaningful use and proposed expansion of EHR certification to include 10 to 12 certification panels in addition to the existing Certification Commission for Health Information Technology. Physicians, activists, vendors and others warned the committee at a meeting that it was moving too fast.

Above article published on


We’re Away…

We’re Away…

We’re Away…


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One Response

  1. Have a good “away”!

    Morgan Freeman has got some serious eyebrow action going on!

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Motivator of the Day – Fresh Lemonade!

Motivator of the Day – Fresh Lemonade!

Motivator of the Day – Fresh Lemonade!


5 Responses

  1. I’m in “lemon need”!

    Squeezing lemons … mmmmm!

  2. Yeah… buuuut… Nasty legs! Luckily… they get to be somewhere behind me >:)

  3. Nothing ‘fruity’ about that … zing !

  4. What’s up HOT LARD? Where are your posts? I need my filth: I need it now!!!!

  5. This was a really great read, I am very glad I came across your site.

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Diskon Dan Special Bonus Bagi Para Pembeli DVD Mantrauang

Diskon Dan Special Bonus Bagi Para Pembeli DVD Mantrauang

Hallo teman marketer,

Sudah lama saya tidak melakukan posting. Namun saya baru saja menerima sebuah tawaran menarik dari teman saya mas Aldian Prakoso. Mungkin anda sudah pernah mendengar bagaimana 10 mantrauang dari Aldian Prakoso dapat membuat orang yang gaptek bisa menghasilkan banyak uang hanya dari blog wordpress.

Selain itu mas Aldian juga telah menyiapkan DVD pendukung yang membahas secara detail bagaimana membuat blog wordpress. DVD ini sangat luar biasa sekali, sesuatu yang saya pelajari selama berbulan - bulan dikemas dalam satu paket oleh mas Aldian sehingga anda bisa menguasainya hanya dalam tempo 24 jam.


Satu hal yang saya sesalkan adalah kenapa mas Aldian baru mengeluarkan produk itu sekarang, coba dari dulu produk itu ada jadi saya tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mempelajari semua hal tentang blog wordpress.

Tapi tidak apa - apa, semoga anda semua yang benar - benar ingin menguasai bagaimana menghasilkan banyak uang dari blog wordpress ini tidak menyia -nyiakan waktu anda yang berharga untuk belajar secara otodidak. Segera miliki paket DVD Mantrauang ini sekarang juga, jangan sampai anda menyesal jika produk ini tidak dijual lagi.

Oh ya, saya ada kabar gembira buat anda yang berminat untuk memiliki paket DVD ini. Aldian Prakoso memberikan saya sebuah Diskon khusus bagi para teman - teman saya yang ingin membeli paket ini. Selain itu saya juga akan memberikan Special Bonus bagi para teman - teman yang ingin membeli paket DVD ini dari Link saya.

Wow.. menarik bukan, selain anda mendapatkan diskon, anda juga akan mendapatkan 4 bonus tambahan yang dahsyat. Jika ingin tahu bagaimana cara mendapatkan bonus - bonus tersebut silakan lihat penawaran special dari saya di

INGAT !! Bonus ini tidak berlaku selamanya, saya hanya membatasi untuk 100 orang pertama saja karena bonus - bonus yang saya berikan sangat berharga sekali.

Jangan lupa, anda juga harus memiliki Paket buku 10 Mantrauang dan anda akan mendapatkan seminar GRATIS pada hari RABU, 20 Mei 2009. Buruan sebelum pendaftaran ditutup. Jika anda belum memiliki buku tersebut segera miliki di SINI.

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OP/ED: Live Free or Die

OP/ED: Live Free or Die

Williamsby Walter E. Williams
June 17, 2009

“Live Free or Die” is the title of author and columnist Mark Steyn’s speech at Hillsdale College, reproduced in Imprimis (April 2009), a Hillsdale publication that’s free for the asking. Canadian born, now living in New Hampshire, Steyn has had firsthand experience with socialist tyranny in his home country that is rapidly becoming a part of America. Commenting on one of his run-ins with Canada’s human rights commissions, Steyn points how it might seem bizarre to find the progressive left making common cause with radical Islam. One half of that alliance is pro-gay, pro-feminist secularists and the other half is homophobic, misogynist theocrats. Steyn argues what they have in common overrides their differences, namely, “Both the secular Big Government progressives and the political Islam recoil from the concept of the citizen, of the free individual entrusted to operate within his own societal space, assume his responsibilities, and exploit his potential.”

I doubt whether there are many Americans who think Congress has either the right or competency to choose where they live, what clothes they wear or what cars they drive. Yet many Americans stand ready to allow Congress to decide what doctors they go to and what treatments they receive. We forget that once we have government-sponsored health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on liberty. That’s the justification behind helmet and seatbelt laws. Britain is well along the road toward totally controlling health care. Steyn says, “Under Britain’s National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements. Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says that it’s appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of ‘lifestyle choices.’” Steyn adds, “Smokers and the obese may look at their gay neighbor having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and wonder why his ‘lifestyle choices’ get a pass while theirs don’t. But that’s the point: Tyranny is always whimsical.”

In most of the developed world, the government has gradually taken over many of the responsibilities of adulthood from health care, childcare, care of the elderly and other responsibilities formerly seen as individual or family. Nobel Laureate economist Paul Krugman suggests that American conservatives preaching “family values” is hypocrisy while Europeans live it. On the continent, Krugman says, “Government regulations actually allow people to make a desirable tradeoff — to modestly lower income in return for more time with friends and family.” Steyn insightfully observes, “As befits a distinguished economist, Professor Krugman failed to notice that for a continent of ‘family friendly’ policies, Europe is remarkably short of families. While America’s fertility rate is more or less at replacement level — 2.1 — seventeen European nations are at what demographers call ‘lowest-low’ fertility — 1.3 or less — a rate from which no society in human history has ever recovered. Germans, Spaniards, Italians and Greeks have upside-down family trees: four grandparents have two children and one grandchild.” Steyn asks, “How can an economist analyze ‘family friendly’ policies without noticing that the upshot of these policies is that nobody has any families?” My answer to Steyn’s questions is: the kind of economist that looks at the seen and ignores the unseen.

Mark Steyn provides us with a historical tidbit. “Live Free or Die,” which graces New Hampshire’s license plate, are the words of John Stark, New Hampshire’s Revolutionary War hero. He uttered those words decades after the War when he was 81 years old, the complete sentence being: “Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.” Steyn says these words should not be interpreted “as a battle cry: We’ll win this thing or die trying, die an honorable death. But in fact it’s something far less dramatic: It’s a bald statement of the reality of our lives in the prosperous West. You can live as free men, but, if you choose not to, your society will die.”

Dr. Williams serves on the faculty of George Mason University as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and is the author of More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well.


Global competitiveness rankings – another letdown

Global competitiveness rankings – another letdown

yes, 24 is not a bad rankings, but i am more concerned about the sliding of positions rahter than positions per se.

Position is of course important. If it is 90 or 100, then it will be a mammoth task to catch up and almost impossible to reach the top quarter.

But having being in the top quarter, but sliping from 17 to 21 and then to 24 this year, it means that something is seriously worng. and the downward momentum may carry us down to 30 soon if things are not corrected.

It is like a company, with its profits margins getting smaller and smaller.. A company previously in the red but now improving and start getting into black may have more potential than a company that sees its profits decreasing year on year on year. (china is one such example, its competitiveness is increasing, and even though it is still lower than Malaysia, you can expect it to go higher and higher until it overtakes us some point in future… same as Vietnam, and thailand, and who knows, maybe Indonesia too).

Just like our universities. MU was within the first 100, but its positions slipped down year on year, and soon it is no longer in the top 100 and now, I do not even know where it is …. is it outside top 200???

In investments, to lose 500 from 1000 is losing 50%, but to gain from 500 to 1000, you need to gain 100%… So once it is down, it is not so easy to go up again….
