How The Virgin Became a Whore

How The Virgin Became a Whore


Heart-breaking photo of a dead child’s bloody hand holding a tiny crucifix; victim of the terrible Beslan school tragedy of 2004 — the end result of pure Jewish greed* (more below).

INCOG MAN’S INTRODUCTION: Now, if you came here thinking I’m nothing but some evil White “hater” and “Conspiracy Theorist,” etc. etc., you had better think again. The kind of people exposed by a Jew below, are exactly like those now raping the US and sending off our children to kill and be killed for them. Isn’t it long past the time for you to still be going along with how these people tell you to think?

Uri Avnery tells us these seven Oligarchs plundered their way to power and how presidential candidates in the US are beholden to the same kinds of “cabals of billionaires.”

When you read the following article written by an Israeli Jew (my bracket notes in red), please make clear note of a few things: 1) The TV series he’s discussing could only be shown in Israel. What’s that tell you? 2) Six of the seven oligarchs were Jewish. 3) He states: “Berezovsky boasts that he caused the war in Chechnya.” This conflict resulted in the above tragedy in Beslan, committed by Muslim Chechen separatists trying to get some payback on Russians who had killed their own children. Read on.

In no way do I ever imply such acts to be  justifiable, however, there are hidden causes purposefully ignored by the US media simply because of the Jew’s involvement. Disgustingly, some Jew anti-Muslim propagandists now use the Beslan tragedy to illustrate how evil Muslims are, when it was money-grubbing Jews who started the whole conflict so as to gain access to oil! Much like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Peter Orszag

Peter Orszag

Another thing to keep in mind is that Peter Orszag (right), Obama’s Director of Management and Budget, was once an adviser to these evil Jew oligarchs during the period when they were busy raping Russia. Jew-manipulated Wikipedia goes to great lengths to avoid mentioning his Jewishness, describing him as merely ”Hungarian” in the discussion page and saying absolutely nothing about his time advising the oligarchs in Russia.

After this, Orszag went to work for fellow Jew Robert Rubin in the Clinton White house, when Rubin pushed to drop regulations of credit derivatives which resulted in the mortgage-backed securities mess behind today’s current economic woes. Another thing: Orszag then went to work as a consultant to the Central Bank of Iceland and it, too, went kaput last year.

Everywhere this rotten little Jew goes, big trouble is sure to follow.

The oligarchs: Or how the virgin became a whore

By Uri Avnery, (written in 2004)


Paul Klebnikov, the author of this book, was assasinated by a hit squad in 2004.

This is a TV series about Russia. But it could have been about Israel. Or about the United States. It is entitled “The oligarchs” and is now being screened on Israeli television. [don't hold your breath for this to air on the History Channel]

Some of its episodes are simply unbelievable — or would have been, if they had not come straight from the horses’ mouths: the heroes of the story, who gleefully boast about their despicable exploits. The series was produced by Israeli immigrants from Russia.

The “oligarchs” are a tiny group of entrepreneurs who exploited the disintegration of the Soviet system to loot the treasures of the state and to amass plunder amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to safeguard the perpetuation of their business, they took control of the state. Six out of the seven are Jews. [I bet the 7th Goy was owned by the Jews]

In popular parlance they are called “oligarchs” — from the Greek word meaning “rule of the few.”

In the first years of post-Soviet Russian capitalism they were the bold and nimble ones who knew how to exploit the economic anarchy in order to acquire enormous possessions for a hundredth or a thousandth of their value: oil, natural gas, nickel and other minerals. They used every possible trick, including cheating, bribery and murder. Every one of them had a small private army. In the course of the series they are proud to tell in great detail how they did it. [Jews so love to brag to other Jews]

But the most intriguing part of the series recounts the way they took control of the political apparatus. After a period of fighting each other, they decided that it would be more profitable for them to cooperate in order to take over the state.

At the time, President Boris Yeltsin was in a steep decline. On the eve of the new elections for the presidency, his rating in public opinion polls stood at 4 per cent. He was an alcoholic with a severe heart disease, working about two hours a day. The state was, in practice, ruled by his bodyguard and his daughter; corruption was the order of the day.

The oligarchs decided to take power through him. They had almost unlimited funds, control of all TV channels and most of the other media. They put all these at the disposal of Yeltsin’s re-election campaign, denying his opponents even one minute of TV time and pouring huge sums of money into the effort. (The series omits an interesting detail: they secretly brought over the most outstanding American election experts and copywriters, who applied methods previously unknown in Russia.) [think about our media's behavior in the last election resulting in Obama]

The campaign bore fruit: Yeltsin was indeed re-elected. On the very same day he had another heart attack and spent the rest of his term in hospital. In practice, the oligarchs ruled Russia. One of them, Boris Berezovsky, wheedled his way to the upper echelons of power. There was a minor scandal when it became known that he (like most of the oligarchs) had acquired Israeli citizenship, but he gave up his Israeli passport and everything was in order again. [in America, they don't worry about this]

By the way, Berezovsky boasts that he caused the war in Chechnya, in which tens of thousands have been killed and a whole country devastated. He was interested in the mineral resources and a prospective pipelinethere. In order to achieve this he put an end to the peace agreement that gave the country some kind of independence. The oligarchs dismissed and destroyed Alexander Lebed, [killed in a controversial helicopter crash] the popular general who engineered the agreement, and the war has been going on since then. [look at how long we've been in Iraq and Afghanistan]


September 1, 2004: Chechen separatists (disputed by some) captured 1200 people at local school #1 in Ossetia, southern Russia. They spent 53 hours without food and water, crowded in the school’s gymnasium and the children witnessed beatings and shootings of parents and teachers. Then, one of the terrorist’s bombs went off accidentally (as per officials, but it may have been outside snipers that caused it), forcing Russian elite “FSB” troops to attempt a rescue. In the horrific bloodbath that followed, 344 civilians were killed, at least 172 were mere children.


In the end, there was a reaction: Vladimir Putin, the taciturn and tough ex-KGB operative, assumed power, took control of the media, put one of the oligarchs (Mikhail Khodorkovsky) in prison, caused the others to flee (Berezovsky is in England, Vladimir Gusinsky is in Israel, another, Mikhail Chernoy, is assumed to be hiding here). [this is why you see so many bad things about Putin in the Jewish US media]

Since all the exploits of the oligarchs occurred in public, there is a danger that the affair might cause an increase in anti-Semitism in Russia. Indeed, the anti-Semites argue that these doings confirm the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a document fabricated by the Russian secret police a century ago, purporting to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to control the world. [not so fast Jew, no one has proved that — no matter what the Jews say]

Moving from Russia to America — the same thing happened, of course, in the US, but more than a hundred years ago. At the time, the great “robber barons”, Morgan, Rockefeller at al., all of them good Christians [Morgan was found to be in the employ of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are known crypto-Jews], used very similar methods to acquire capital and power on a massive scale. Today, it works in far more refined ways.

In the present election campaign, the candidates collect hundreds of millions of dollars. George W. Bush and John Kerry both brag about their talent for raising enormous sums of money. From whom? From pensioners? From the mythical “old lady in tennis shoes”? Of course not, but from the cabals of billionaires, the giant corporations and powerful lobbies (arms dealers, Jewish organizations [via AIPAC], doctors, lawyers and such). Many of them give money to both candidates — just to be on the safe side [this is the standard operating procedure of the Jew — play both ends of the stick].

All of these expect, of course, to receive a generous bonus when their candidate is elected. “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” as the right-wing economist Milton Friedman wrote. As in Russia, every dollar (or rouble) invested wisely in an election will yield a ten — or hundred-fold return [especially fo Wall Street and Israel, as we know].

The problem is rooted in the fact that presidential candidates (and all other candidates for political office) need ever increasing amounts of money. Elections are fought out mainly on TV and cost huge sums. It is not a coincidence that all the present candidates in the US are multimillionaires. The Bush family has amassed a fortune from the oil business (helped by its political connections, of course.) Kerry [part Jewish] is married to one of the richest women [Jewish] in America, who was once the wife of the ketchup king, Henry John Heinz. Dick Cheney was the chief of a huge corporation that has garnered contracts worth billions in Iraq. John Edwards, candidate for vice-president, has made a fortune as a trial lawyer.

Sharon and son, Omri.

Sharon and son, Omri.

From time to time there is talk in America about reforming election finances, but nothing worthwhile ever comes of it. None of the oligarchs has any interest in changing a system that enables them to buy the government of the United States.

In Israel, too, talk about “money and power” is now in vogue. Ariel Sharon [a murderous Zionist terrorist] and one of his two sons have been suspected of accepting bribes from a real estate magnate. An indictment was blocked by the new attorney-general who happened to be appointed by the Sharon government at the height of the affair. Another investigation into Sharon and his sons is still pending. [Omri agreed to a plea deal but has yet to serve any time, Sharon is a vegetable after a stroke] It concerns millions of dollars that reached his election coffers by roundabout routes, crossing three continents.

Madonna with Shimon Peres (2007).

Madonna with Shimon Peres (2007).

Shimon Peres’s connections with multimillionaires are well-known [even "just like a virgin" Madonna, right], as are the huge sums poured out by American Jewish multimillionaires for extreme right-wing causes in Israel. One of the Russian oligarchs is the part-owner of the second biggest Israeli newspaper.

A political scandal concerning the Israeli minister for infrastructure has mushroomed into an affair involving giant multinational corporations competing for contracts for supplying natural gas to the Israeli Electricity Company, an affair of billions in which underworld figures, politicians and private investigators play their parts. This disclosure has made it clear to Israelis that here, too, politicians of the highest rank have long ago been acting as mercenaries for powerful financial interests. [that's the deal, people]

These facts must alarm everybody who cares about democracy — in Israel, Russia, the United States and elsewhere. Oligarchy and democracy are incompatible. As a Russian commentator in the TV series said about the new Russian democracy: “They have turned a virgin into a whore.” [they've turned the US into a whore a long time ago]




This evil little Jew lives free and clear on his ill-gotten gains in England today.

Boris Berezovsky later fled to London  and received Political Asylum. He’s been convicted in absentia for embezzlement in Russia and many other countries from Brazil to the Ukraine want him for criminal activities, such as money laundering and financing terrorists. In 2003, he changed his name to Platon Elenin, with Platon being the name of a character in the movie “Tycoon,” based on his life. He also partnered in business with Dubya’s younger brother, Neil Bush. Big surprise, eh?

In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko (an ex-pat Russian writer closely associated with Berezovsky) died from poisoning from the highly radioactive Polonium- 210. The Zionist-owned US media were quick to point their fingers at Putin (just like they did on the case of the Moscow reporter, Anna Politkovskaya, wacked in an elevator by a hitman). ABC told it’s viewers on 20/20 that only Russia and the US were capable of manufacturing Polonium — transparently alluding to Putin ordering the hit — when that was patently false: Israel can make Polonium, too. In fact, in the late 1950’s they had a major laboratory accident with the stuff, killing quite a few scientists. This has never been reported on in the US mainstream press (because any mention of the Israeli Bomb is off-limits by US media).

If you’ve read so far, I implore you to start speaking out about these evil people to all you know. The US is now in a real bad way and it’s going to take all of us to put a stop to them. If you blow it all off only simply because you think I’m a “Nazi” or “White supremacist,” then that’s exactly what these evil people want you to do. They want White America to turn a blind eye to what they do in the world and for us to foolishly blame anything or anyone else, just as long as we don’t breathe a word about the almighty Jew!

The problem has been right in front of our noses, all along. Take a stand to put a stop to these devious people!

— Phillip Marlowe


* Now, I realize that blaming Beslan on greedy Jews like Berezovsky may strike you as unfair, etc. but I assure you that if you stand back and seriously look at history over the last one hundred years or so, and study it in-depth — not just the simple way its always portrayed by the mainstream media — you’ll see a pattern of Jew machinations unbelievable in scope for what they want in the world (money, power, and especially anything to do with Israel), regardless of how much pain and suffering it brings. Regardless.

One big problem is that American Whites rarely know who’s Jewish or not. Russian Jew names (other countries, too) are invisible as compared to English Jewish names. Plus, Jews often purposefully change their names to Gentile-sounding ones. Figure it out!




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